
Central African Republic Receiving More Troops

Muslim and Christian militia in Bossangoa, Central African Republic have agreed to put down their weapons according to CNN. This news of temporary peace comes after days of extreme violence between the group. A battle that has already left hundreds dead according to CBC News.

The U.N voted in the latter part of this week to increase military action in the Central African Republic and the truce has allowed France to send more of their troops peacefully in hopes to aid in the effort.

Most civilians who survived the chaos, gathered at camps for protection. According to CNN, there are approximately 35,000 Christians seeking refuge in the Catholic Church compound.

Central African Republic map (Seleka rebellion March 2013)

For now, peace talks are in progress but may not be near a crossroads. While the thousands of displaced people are being harbored in camps, troops patrol the streets maintaining the peace on the main roads in hopes to decrease crime.

But the situation is severe. Many families are without food, water, and medicine and while efforts are made to resolve the problem, the task of creating a permanent peace may be out of reach.

Back in March of this year, the Seleka overthrew the Christian president. With him ousted, the alliance was able cause havoc accross the capital city.

Photos courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and Youtube.