
Melissa Joan Hart Reveals Young Hollywood Hook-Ups

Melissa Joan Hart, the girl we all remember as “Clarissa” on 90’s Nickelodeon, has enjoyed 10 years of wedded bliss with her husband Mark Wilkerson. But, before she was a contented wife and mom, she had her share of juicy Hollywood hook-ups, and was more than willing to share a few stories with Access Hollywood.

The 37-year-old “Melissa Explains It All” author spilled on her co-star Joey Lawrence’s obsession with Chapstick, “He’s a little bit of germaphobe, so there’s not that much skin on skin contact. [But] it’s a nice little lube [for kissing].” Joey Lawrence is not, by far, the only celebrity she has locked lips with, though. She was even a lucky young lady who, many years ago, enjoyed the, ahem, company of Ryan Reynolds.

“He gave me this beautiful watch and ran out of my dressing room. I chased him down and in the headlight of his car, I stopped him… and I just grabbed him and kissed him. We just made out all night… Ryan has grown up nicely.”


Speaking of Hollywood young that have blossomed nicely, before Jerry O’Connell became Mr. Rebecca Romijn, he had a surprising run in with Joan Hart, “I met Mark and that [same] night I made out with Jerry. But, the next morning at the Derby races, Jerry is hitting on someone else and I said,’ Oh, I see how this is going to be.’ And then Jerry said to me, ‘When we get back to LA are we going to hang out?’ And I said, “I don’t think so, I think I met the man I’m going to marry.’”

All this information that she shares on her past life in young Hollywood during the promotion of her new book, comes at the same time as she sends an over-share warning to current young shock-monger, Miley Cyrus. “You’ve got to be careful about what you put out there…keep some secrets so you can write a book later on,” she advises.

Great advice! It seems to be paying off for Melissa Joan Hart! Perhaps the next generation will order the Miley Cyrus tell-all? I wonder what the title of that thing will be?

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