There is a lot of webmaster interest these days in the impact schema markup has on content in search results.
Today’s Webmaster Help video from Google addresses video markup. Matt Cutts takes on the following submitted question:
Rich snippets are automatically added to SERPs for video results from YouTube. Is it recommended to add schema video markup onsite in order to get your page w/embedded video to rank in SERPs in addition to the YouTube result or is this redundant?
Cutts says he checked with a webmaster trends analyst, and they said, “Yes, please get them to add the markup.”
He says, “In general, you know, the more markup there is (schema, video or whatever), the easier it is for search engines to be able to interpret what really matters on a page. The one thing that I would also add is, try to make sure that you let us crawl your JavaScript and your CSS so that we can figure out the page and ideally crawl the video file itself, so that we can get all the context involved. That way if we can actually see what’s going on on the video play page, we’ll have a little bit better of an idea of what’s going on with your site. So yes, I would definitely use the schema video markup.”
There you have it. The answers Cutts gives in these videos aren’t always so straight forward, but this pretty much gives you a direct answer, and one which can no doubt be applied to other types of content beyond video. Use as much markup as you can, so Google (and other search engines) can understand your site better.