
McDonald’s Bagged Coffee Will Hit Stores Next Year

Can’t get enough of McDonald’s Coffee? By next year you will be able to buy the restaurant chain’s coffee without even going to a restaurant. Just imagine brewing your own fresh cup of McDonald’s coffee in the comfort of your own home. Sounds pretty nice right?

The company recently announced that their coffee will be available in many supermarkets and chain stores in whole bean varieties and single cup servings. The bags will weigh about 12 ounces and cost about $7.

McDonald’s has already started selling their coffee in store in Canada. The company did not offer a lot of details about their new product, but they will be testing it next year to see how well it does in stores across the United States. They did not say which stores would be selling the coffee or how large the test area will be.

McDonald’s coffee is a popular menu item, but it got the company into trouble back in the 90’s when a woman was burned badly after receiving a boiling hot cup of the drink through the drive thru. The woman filed a lawsuit and walked away with $2.86 million.

Image from Wikimedia Commons.