
YouTube Memo Explains How Offline Videos Will Work

YouTube announced yesterday that mobile users will be able to download videos for offline viewing come November. In the announcement, YouTube didn’t bother explaining the actual logistics of its new offline video program, but a memo sent out to partners did just that.

All Things D reports that it has obtained a memo YouTube sent out its partners today regarding its plan to let users download videos for offline viewing. As expected, YouTube creators will be able to restrict a user’s ability to download their videos, and can do so now before the feature goes live in November. Interestingly enough, however, YouTube says that the option to download videos will be set to on by default.

In the original report, it was stated that YouTube videos could be viewed offline for up to 48 hours. In the memo, YouTube clarifies this by saying that the videos can be viewed for 48 hours without an internet connection. Once a connection is established, the 48 hour timer is refreshed. If you go more than 48 hours without an Internet connection, the video will not play until the user reconnects to the Internet.

What may be most important to creators, however, is how ads will work in offline videos. YouTube says that Google’s in-stream ads will accompany these downloaded videos and any views made offline will be added to the total view count once that user reconnects to the Internet. Of course, there are two caveats. First – downloaded videos will only support Google’s in-stream ads, nothing else. Second – videos for rental or purchase on YouTube will not support this ad functionality.

All in all, it looks like YouTube creators have nothing to worry about. They’ll continue to have full control over their content while being able to still make money off of offline views.

[Image: YouTube Help/YouTube]