So, as Vince Gilligan continues to defecate directly onto your heart and stick your brain with a cattle prod, at least AMC is nice enough to at least try to sate your appetite for more Breaking Bad with some weekly featurettes every Monday following the premiere of the latest episode.
Last night’s episode, To’hajiilee, was…yeah. It sure was. There are cliffhangers and then there are cliffhangers. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, Vince Gilligan, you’re slowly killing me. Every week you’re taking a few weeks off my life – I’m sure of it.
If you’re looking for more Breaking Bad on your post-Breaking Bad hangover day, here’s AMC’s version of a stiff Bloody Mary and a few pieces of bacon.
Here’s a look inside the episode:
And here’s the “Making Of”:
And for good measure, here’s AMC’s sneak peek at next week’s episode, which literally tells you nothing. Seriously, it seems like they took a cue from their Mad Men trailers on this one. It’s so unsatisfying, I warned you.
Image via AMC, YouTube