
Got Any Suggestions For Google For Improving Search?

Do you have any suggestions for Google on how it could improve the search experience? Something tells me you have a few.

Well, Google actually wants to hear them, and in a new post to its Inside Search blog, is encouraging users to give it suggestions on its Search policy using this form. Have at it.

Google Feedback form

“As part of the recently-launched How Search Works website, we published our Search policy principles and a list of detailed Search content policies for the first time,” says Google search policy specialist Patrick Thomas. “Our goal was to show users how we think about controversial content in Search while still promoting fast access to the world’s information.”

More on the “How Search Works” site here.

“But we’re always looking to do better, and we’re curious to know what our users think,” says Thomas. “That’s why we’d love to see your ideas for improving our Search policies and processes. Should we alert users if we suspect that there’s not much information on the web about their query? How should Google surface information that might affect a website’s ranking? How should we deal with businesses that we believe may be hacked? Should we do something completely different to support our users? Anything related to how we serve content in search results or interact with users is fair game.”

Of course, Google has a “Send Feedback” link at the bottom of every search results page too.

Do you think Google will listen to your feedback?