As you may know, production for Season 2 of Netflix’s Orange is the New Black is currently underway. As cast members have been giving interviews to various media outlets, we’ve seen some discussion here and there about what will happen in the second season, but we haven’t really seen much in the way of what is actually going to happen.
Until now.
Potential spoilers head, particularly if you haven’t finished the first season.
Taryn Manning, who plays Pennsatucky, spoke with Entertainment Tonight, and gave away more details about the forthcoming season than anyone else has so far. She was recently promoted to series regular, so it should come as no surprise that her character will have a significant role.
Speaking about Pennsatucky, Manning tells ET, ” I think she’s ignorant in the sense that she didn’t go to school and made poor choices, but I think if she had, her brain is the type of brain that would have soaked up school. So when she calls her that, it’s totally jealousy. I think that’s where we’re going this season. Tiffany doesn’t necessarily think she sh*t doesn’t stink any more. She’s like, ‘I guess I’m not as tough as I thought because she kicked my ass.’”
ET’s interviewer brings up the final scene from season 1, and how Healy gave Pennsatucky the “green light” to kill Piper.
Manning responds, “It’s funny you mention that. That is a huge, ginormous plot point in season two. I’m back in New York right now and [today] we’re filming a big scene about that very thing. It’s one of my bigger scenes in that it has a ton of dialogue — back and forth back and forth — which I love.”
Manning says she wants to keep the character “out there,” and “dive into her left brain.”
Okay, so not a whole lot in the way of spoilers for the second season, but who wants that anyway?
Manning had plenty of other interesting things to say in the interview, and you should read it if you get a chance.