
Chrome Omnibox Suggestions Get Recency Tweak, Browser Gets Reset Button

Google announced a few updates to Chrome, including what the company is calling “smarter” omnibox suggestions.

All Chrome users will start seeing omnibox suggestions that are based on the recency of sites they have visited. Google says this will resultin “more timely and contextually relevant” suggestions.

The adjustments were made to the beta channel last month.

Additionally, they’ve added a new way to reset your browser to how it was before you added a bunch of extensions to it.

“And for those nostalgic for the new car smell — maybe you, too, got overzealous with fun extensions — we’ve added a new option to the Chrome settings page to let you restore it back to its original state,” says Google software engineer Mark Pearson. “And don’t worry, it won’t affect your themes, bookmarks or apps.”

To do this, go to the hotdog icon, settings, and “Show advanced settings”. There, you will find the “reset browser settings” button.

Finally, on Chrome for Android, Google has improved scrolling and startup performance. It also now has WebRTC support, which allows for video conversations.