Apple’s iPad mini was released last November, and not one week went by before rumors about Apple’s refresh of the product began to circulate. Though the rumors quickly subsided, most of them centered around the device getting an upgraded “Retina” display.
Now, it appears that Apple might miss its yearly (and expected) product refresh for the iPad Mini. DigiTimes today is reporting that production on the second iteration of the iPad Mini will not begin until the fourth quarter of 2013. The report cites unnamed “industry supply chain sources” as stating the late manufacturing orders will push the product’s launch past the holiday season and into next year.
The device is expected to have the same 7.9-inch screen as the current iPad Mini, but with a 2,048 x 1,536 resolution screen, according to DigiTimes’ sources. Also, the already small bezel on the iPad Mini is expected to get even smaller, for a nearly bezel-free form factor.
Though the iPad Mini might not make it out for Christmas, DigiTimes is also reporting that that the fifth-generation iPad will be sold sometime in 2013. The device is, unsurprisingly, rumored to be both thinner and lighter than the most current iPad. Production on the new iPad is rumored to begin sometime in July.
(via DigiTimes)