
Borderlands 2 Tiny Tina DLC: The First Five Minutes

It’s been nine months since the release of Borderlands 2, and Gearbox is continuing to pump out new content for the game. Not only that, but the content only seems to be getting more interesting as time goes by. Just last month, a new playable character class, Krieg the Psycho, debuted for the game.

Next Tuesday, Gearbox will be releasing the next DLC add-on campaign for Borderlands 2. Titled Tiny Tina’s Assault of Dragon Keep, the game features the title character as the “Bunkermaster” of a Bunkers & Badasses roleplaying session. The conceit is that the player is within the the gameworld. The practical effect of that is that the setting, enemies, and many other factors may change depending on how the “players” and Tina describe things.

2K and Gearbox today released the first five minutes of the game, which perfectly demonstrate why gaming needs more out-there DLC and game ideas such as Mass Effect: Citadel and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.