
The Dollar Shave Club Is Now Selling Butt Wipes [VIDEO]

You remember the Dollar Shave Club, right? The startup made a splash last year with their simple business strategy and smart, Old Spice-inspired viral ad (it’s received over 10 million views on YouTube). For just $1 a month (plus S&H) you can receive a razor handle and 5 cartridges a month.

They opined that a razor doesn’t need “a vibrating handle, LED guide-lights, 8-blades and a grip that could steady a 9-iron.” Just a couple of nice blades is all you really need. Now, they’re taking their idea and applying it to going #2.

The Dollar Shave Club guys are now peddling butt wipes – flushable moist wipes for men, to be exact. They’re called “one-wipe charlies” and come in packs of 40. They are “soothing, calming, and refreshing” and have a “gentle peppermint scent.”

And they can be yours for just $4.

As you would expect, they’ve made a funny new ad for the product. Check it out below:

“Butt wipes for men?”

“Yeah, bitch. Butt wipes.”