
The Desktop Twitter User Will Soon Be A Thing Of The Past

Twitter is all about gut reactions and snappy statements. The very nature of the social network requires that people have access to it all times. This is leading to an increasing number of people using Twitter on mobile devices.

In a new survey conducted by Strategy Analytics, the firm discovered that Twitter users are migrating from the desktop to mobile devices at an ever increasing pace. The latest report – “Social Network Profile: Who Uses Twitter?” – surveyed 6,500 people from the U.S. and Europe. The survey found that the number of people sending out tweets from a desktop computer decreased from 77 percent to 64 percent in just eight months. During the same period, the number of people tweeting from mobile devices increased from 56 percent to 71 percent.

“The immediacy of Twitter communications requires devices which are close to hand at every waking moment,” notes David Mercer , VP, Digital Consumer Practice. “By definition this suggests mobile phones and tablets should be preferred devices for Tweeting and the survey evidence points clearly in this direction.”

Interestingly enough, the survey found that mobile Twitter use is highest in the UK with the U.S. coming in second. Italy, France and Germany round out the top five respectively. As for demographics, the survey found that Twitter is most popular among the affluent, as well as teenagers and students.

The demographic findings could explain why Facebook is losing popularity among teenagers while Twitter’s own popularity is only increasing. It could also explain why celebrities like Justin Bieber are so popular on the service.