
Want To Build Something For Google Glass? This Video Is A Good Place To Start

electronic devices

Google held a developer talk about Google Glass at SXSW last month. Developer advocate Timothy Jordan spoke to developers about the Google Mirror API, which is what they’ll use to build services for Glass. He also gave a demo, and talked about guidelines and examples of new experiences that they’ve been building.

“Glass is a very ‘right now’ device,” he says. “So when you deliver data to the user, you want to do it in the moment, and keep it up to date.” It should matter to them based on what they’re doing right now, he says.

Other tips include staying out of the user’s way (it will be interesting to see if Facebook Home makes its way to Glass) and “avoiding the unexpected”.

He shares something they’ve been working on with the New York Times, which shows headlines over top of photos (actually not unlike status updates on Facebook Home), and lets you click to have the article read aloud.

He also shares an email exchange and a look at Evernote and Skitch.

Give it a watch: