
Country Band ‘Ambushes’ Google Street View Car

Country music group Gunnar & The Grizzly Boys have a new video for their song “Could Be Me,” which looks like they hijacked Google’s Street View imagery by appearing in a set of photos.

Oh, and the video is actually called, “Redneck Country Band Ambushes Google Street View Car!”

On the YouTube page for the video, it says, “To protect our friends at Google who bent the rules to make this video possible (and their jobs), we can’t disclose when and where this was filmed.”

The video was submitted to reddit, and as the top comment on reddit points out, “It’s not really Google Street; it’s just some clever guys. The first tip off is that no one’s face is blurred out.”

“It is from Rob Bliss a guy from my old home town who designs viral events,” notes another redditor. ” “He has done alot of this in grand rapids MI.”

Indeed, Rob Bliss Creative’s site and Facebook Page are promoted on the video page.

Either way, well done.

[via reddit]