
Ouya Starts Shipping To Kickstarter Backers

It’s been almost nine months since Ouya, the little Android game console that could, smashed Kickstarter records. Now the console is ready to make its way into the hands of those who made it such a success.

Ouya announced that its Android games console will start shipping out to early Kickstarter backers today. It’s unknown in what order the consoles will ship, but rest assured that all early backers will get their hands on the new console in the coming days.

Backers receiving an Ouya in the coming days will want to keep a few things in mind as they start playing around with the new console:

  • When you first boot it up, you’ll experience our first update. This will either be super fast (seconds) or allow you to get a drink (minutes) based on your connection speed. Eventually, we want to do these updates in the background…
  • You’ll need a credit/debit card to download games. All games are still free to try. Your card will only be charged if you buy content you love. We do want valid payment information for everyone. This is to ensure that game developers can get paid when you love their game.
  • OUYA supports up to four controllers. And, because we support Bluetooth, you can pair other devices as well. We are testing now and will start publishing a list of devices soon.
  • Those who are getting an Ouya now are getting what is essentially an experience that is still in development. The console will not officially hit store shelves until June 4, but the team is hoping to collect data from early backers to improve the experience for everybody come launch. They will collecting ideas for improvement starting in April with a planned AMA on Reddit, and other communication vehicles.

    On a final note, the Ouya team says that there are now 104 games published on the console’s storefront. For a launch lineup, it’s not bad. Of course, most of the games are ports of existing titles on Android or iOS, but these titles have been developed with widescreen HD gaming in mind so the experience might just be better than what you can currently get on mobile devices.