
Wikipedia Now Lets You Upload Photos From Mobile

Wikipedia announced that it is now letting mobile users add images to articles. If you’re browsing Wikipedia from your mobile browser, and come across an article without an image, you’ll now be able to add one.

“In one easy step, you can upload an image from your phone’s camera or image library and add it directly to an article that has no images,” says Wikipedia associate product manager Maryana Pinchuk. “You can also donate images for use on articles that already have images but may need more.”

“Images enhance the visual appeal of Wikipedia and its sister projects and help bring our content to life, but they’re also a powerful educational tool,” adds Pinchuk. “There’s no better way to describe a notable building or landmark than with a current photo. Not only will you be illustrating knowledge, you’ll also be sharing your photographs with billions of people around the globe.”

Back in October, Wikipedia gave its mobile site a new layout. Clearly, improving the mobile experience has been a focal point for the organization in recent months.

In other Wikipedia news, long-time Executive Director Sue Gardner announced she’s stepping down from her position this morning, though she doesn’t think she’ll be leaving for another six months.