
Google Makes It Easier To Find Animated GIFs

Google announced a new “Animated” search filter in “Search Tools” in Image Search, which will (obviously) allow you to quickly find animated GIFs based on your query. As Google points out, this image format has been around for a long time, so it’s somewhat surprising they’re just now doing this, but better late than never, right?

In addition to this new search filter, Google has also added the ability to search for images with transparent backgrounds via the “Transparent” option under the “any color” dropdown box.

Here’s what Google had to say about the new features on Google+:


Even if you’re a fan of animated gifs—say you were the first to email your friends the slow loris very slowly eating a rice ball (goo.gl/KDDX1)—you may not know that the origins of animation go as far back as 1879 and Eadweard Muybridge’s “zoopraxiscope” (see our doodle homage to Muybridge: goo.gl/PGQW3). Gifs have been around since 1987 and have become the de facto standard for short animations on the web, from pony glitter text (goo.gl/iZoEZ) to grumpy cat memes (goo.gl/bC9um).

Starting today, there’s an easier way to unearth those gems: when you do an image search, click on “Search tools” below the search box, then select “Animated” under the “Any type” dropdown box.

We’ve also added a second handy filter: if you’re after the perfect picture of Easter basket clipart (goo.gl/XutAa) but must have one with a transparent background, simply select “Transparent” under the “Any color” dropdown box.

I’m not actually seeing the features yet, so they must be in the process of rolling out.