
Student Suspended After Disarming Gunman on School Bus

Despite being hailed as a hero by some, a student who wrestled a gun away from another teen on a school bus has now been suspended from school.

According to a report from the Fort Myers, Florida Fox affiliate, the incident occurred last week, when the student wrestled a loaded .22 caliber revolver from a fellow 15-year-old student’s hands after it had been pointed at a classmate. Two other students then helped to disarm the suspect, who’s name has not been released but who was reportedly a member of the Cypress Lake High School football team.

The Lee County School District subsequently suspended the “hero” for three days. According to Fox, the suspension referral states that he was “part of an incident” where a weapon was present. According to the student’s mother, the suspension is retaliation for the student refusing to participate in the investigation into the incident.

“It’s dumb,” said the student. “How they going to suspend me for doing the right thing?” [sic]