
Katie Couric: 911 Calls From Late Husband’s Phone Baffling

Katie Couric has reached out to some friends in high places in order to try and find out why 911 calls are being made from her late husband’s telephone line.

Couric says at least three calls have been placed from the number to emergency services, some of them while she wasn’t home. They’re originating from an old land line that her husband, Jay Monahan, used in their apartment.

“It’s happened like three times the last three weeks,” Couric said. “Every day, every time at 2 a.m. on Tuesday morning. I was out of town the last time it happened and apparently it happened before when nobody was home.”

Couric said she turned to Police Commissioner Ray Kelly to clear up the matter, which is now under investigation.

“So I called Ray Kelly, who I know just through the years seeing at different things. ‘Ray, this is so weird but can you help me? I don’t know what to do,’” Couric said.

It’s not yet unknown whether the calls are being made due to a malfunction or glitch of some kind, or if they’re what police refer to as “spoofing”: a hacker getting into the phone line to make the calls using a hijacking device.