
Twitter Improves Embedded Tweets with Better Media Content, Faster Loading

A little over a year ago, Twitter launched embeddable tweets. Today, they’re launching an update to that function that improves both the look and performance across the web.

“Embedded Tweets display photos, videos, article summaries and other content shared in a Tweet, just like you see on twitter.com. You can also view retweet and favorite counts to better understand engagement, and we’ve made some tweaks to the design so that embedded Tweets are easier to read,” says Twitter.

Now, when you embed a tweet on your site, any associated media like twitpics or YouTube videos will be better displayed below the text. It’s basically an improvement to how Twitter Cards are shown on third-party websites.

Twitter also claims that the formatted tweets will load faster on your website, reducing the chances that a reader sees that awkward text formatting for a few seconds.

If you want to embed a tweet, you used to have to open up the tweet in a new tab and then click the “embed tweet” option. Starting today, you’ll have to option to embed any tweet directly from your stream. Just click on the “more…” button on the bottom right of the tweet:

This new option also applies to TweetDeck. Twitter added embeddable tweets to TweetDeck last month.