
Beast Zuckerberg Turns Two, Gets a Birthday Bone

Beast, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s cute Hungarian Sheepdog, just celebrated his second birthday – and we have the photo evidence to prove it.

Beast was given a “delicious bone” complete with a “Happy Birthday” candle. “Beast” uploaded the photo late last night.


According to his about sections, Beast is “a Puli, which is a type of Hungarian Sheepdog. I live in Palo Alto with Mark and Cilla. I like cuddling and herding things. I am extremely cute.”

It’s unclear whether Mark or Cilla Zuckerberg maintain Beast’s Facebook page, or if they have a social media guy handle it. Whatever the case, Beast has over 1.3 million likes and currently boasts nearly 25,000 users talking about him on the network. He’s clearly a beloved public figure.

Last month, Beast found himself in the middle of a flame up between Instagram users and his dad, Mark Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg posted a photo of Beast to his Instagram account, and it generated dozens of profane and hateful comments concerning Zuckerberg – both personally and regarding that now-forgotten Instagram privacy mess.

It’s sad, really. All Beast is doing is being cute. Poor pup. Oh well, I’m sure he has a pretty sweet life in Palo Alto.