
Bob Ross Paints Happy Little Trees in Today’s Google Doodle

Let’s see a show of hands – how many of you have spent at least one lazy Sunday afternoon sprawled out on your couch watching episode after episode of The Joy of Painting? Huh? More than once? I thought so.

For a little over a decade, painter Bob Ross was broadcast into our living rooms through his PBS series The Joy of Painting, which ran from 1983 to 1994. The series involved Ross instructing viewers how to paint in his famous style – a quick technique that he believed that anyone could learn. Watching Ross paint and instruct, you could really tell that he truly wanted to bring the joy of painting to the masses, and his talent and enthusiasm still lives on in reruns broadcast across the world and on YouTube.

And today, Google is honoring Ross with a Doodle.

In the Doodle, Ross makes up the “G,” and it depicts him working on a landscape piece. On his shoulder rests a squirrel. Ross was a noted animal and wildlife lover.

Google’s Doodle marks the late author’s birthday, October 29th. Ross died on July 4th 1995 after a battle with lymphoma. Ross would have turned 70 today.

Earlier this year, PBS produced their own Bob Ross tribute – an autotuned video called “Happy Little Clouds.” It was the second in PBS’ YouTube series “Icons Remixed.” The first was the epic Mister Rogers remix that went viral back in the summer.

Check it out below: