
Young, American, Women Dominate the Twitterverse

Social media marketing firm Beevolve looked at over 36 million Twitter profiles and used their own software to analyze them to find out what Twitter users looks like across the globe. Using profile pics, tweets, names, and bios, they were able to determine that women ruled the Twitter world by 6 points.

Based on their findings, if you picked a Twitter user at random, it would be a woman, aged 15-25, living in America. She has a little over 200 followers and has sent out just shy of 600 tweets. That’s your average Twitter user. But the study looked into some more interesting demographics behind just who makes up the Twitterverse.

In terms of geography, we just told you that the majority fo users (51%) come from the United States. But the next most Twitter-happy region is the U.K., followed by Australia, Brazil, and Canada. Other than the U.K. (17%), no other country registers even 5% of the total Twitter population.

When it comes to their level of interaction on the network, a Twitter user has about 208 followers on average. 6% of Twitter users have no followers. On average, a Twitter user follows around 102 people. 10% of Twitter users don’t follow anyone.

Beevolve also looked at color preferences for Twitter backgrounds, an admittedly unique dataset. For girls, purple is the most common color used, followed by hot pink and brown. For the guy, it’s dark colors. “Shark,” a dark steel grey, commanded 36% of the profiles analyzed.

Check out this word cloud of the most common words used on people’s bios:

Finally, a majority of Twitter users access the service via iOS, almost 69% to 31% over Android. 77% of users access Twitter via the official Twitter app, if they use an app (32% tweet from the web).

Of course, taking a bunch of different demographics and constructing the “average user” is not a perfect science. Plus, Beevolve acknowledges that 25% of users have never even tweeted. This either means that they are bots, duplicates, or simply users who prefer not to submit their own thoughts into the Twitterverse. But this is a fun look into who makes up the Twitterverse. So if you’re a marketer – here’s who you should target.

[h/t WSJ]
[Image courtesy Kalexanderson, Flickr]