
Google Launches Shared Budgets In AdWords

Google announced a new Shared Budgets feature for AdWords today, which lets advertisers establish a single daily budget shared by multiple campaigns, within one account.

According to Google, the feature makes it easier to match AdWords spending with how businesses allocate their marketing budgets.

“Say you’re an outdoor furniture seller with a single line of products. You’re currently running three campaigns: a desktop search campaign, a mobile search campaign, [and] a remarketing campaign to reach people who have visited your site but didn’t convert,” explains Google Ads engineer Vidya Iyer. “Your overall marketing plan allows you to spend $100 per day across your three campaigns. Without shared budgets, you’d next have to decide how to allocate the $100 daily AdWords budget across each of your three campaigns. Say you set a $60 daily budget for your desktop campaign, a $20 daily budget for your mobile campaign, and $20 to your remarketing campaign.”

Shared Budgets

“On most days, each campaign hits its daily budget and you’re satisfied with the ROI of each campaign,” continues Iyer. “But on some days, your desktop search campaign sees fewer impressions and clicks than other days. So you only spend $90. On these days, your overall campaign results could be stronger if you were able to put an additional $10 into your mobile search campaign or remarketing campaign.”

The point is, with the shared budget feature, there is less monitoring needed.

To use the feature, go to “Shared library,” and select “Budgets.” It will walk you through it from there.