
Bounty For TPP Text Is Up To $25,000

From the onset, TPP has always been the worst of the big trade agreements and copyright laws. It’s so bad because we know next to nothing about it. All the leaked text from the document are months old and have probably been updated by now. Last we heard, it was planning on extending America’s fair use laws to the rest of the signing countries.

Understandably, people are angry that TPP is still veiled in secrecy. They want Wikileaks or some other organization to get ahold of the most current negotiating text and share it with the world. To achieve that, Democracy In Action is crowdsourcing a bounty for TPP’s text. That bounty is now up to $25,000.

Here’s what the group hopes to accomplish:

At this very moment, the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP)–a trade agreement that could affect the health and welfare of billions of people worldwide–is being negotiated behind closed doors. While 600 corporate lobbyists have access to the text, the press, the public, and even members of the US Congress are being kept in the dark.

But we don’t have to stand meekly by as corporate cronies decide our futures. Concerned citizens from around the world are pooling together their resources as a reward to WikiLeaks if it makes the negotiating text of the TPP public. Our pledge, as individuals, is to donate this money to WikiLeaks should it leak the document we seek.

As WikiLeaks likes to say, information wants to be free. The negotiating text for the TPP wants to be free. Someone just needs to release it.

The project is like a Kickstarter of sorts. People can pledge any amount of money that they want. Wikileaks, or whoever else leaks it, will receive the combined amount of pledged money. The group would prefer Wikileaks leaking the documents because they want the group to reaffirm its commitment to the public, and not just self interest.

It’s an great way to get people involved without expecting much from them. People can donate just $1 to the cause. Unfortunately, it could just backfire horribly in the end. There’s no guarantee that people will pay the amount they pledge. The text could be leaked and the those responsible wouldn’t get the money that was promised.

Even so, that wouldn’t be so bad, right? Important trade agreements like TPP should have been made transparent in the first place. It’s pretty sad that we have to resort to bribery just to find out what the Executive branch of our government is doing behind our, and Congress’, backs.