
Bill Clinton Impresses, But First Lady Still Tops in Twitter Buzz [DNC]

At the bottom of the 10 o’clock hour last night, former president Bill Clinton began what was supposed to be around a half-hour speech. What he ended up giving was a 48 minute masterclass in politicking, a speech that was heavy on the policy yet still engaging. Say what you want about his politics, but it’s hard to deny the political skills of the Democratic Party’s elder statesman.

If you were on Twitter during the speech, it felt like President Clinton broke it, right? Not only was “Bill Clinton” trending nationwide, but so was #SlickWillie, “Big Dog,” “Bubba,” and even “Arithmetic” (a nod to one of his more popular lines of the night).

And yes, Clinton saw a huge spike in tweets per minute – 22,087 near the end. But that falls short of the buzz generated by the First Lady on Tuesday night. Michelle Obama garned a spike of 28,003 tweets per minute at the close of her weel-received speech.

For some context, Mitt Romney’s biggest spike during his speech was 14.289 TPM.

According to Twitter, here are some of President Clinton’s biggest moments from his speech:

  • Discussing Obama’s job record: 16,115 TPM
  • Urging the audience to vote for Obama: 15,266 TPM
  • “All in this together” statement: 15,111 TPM
  • Discussing Hillary Clinton’s role, and “blood sport” line: 14,538 TPM
  • “Takes some brass” quip: 14,393 TPM

During the entire week of the Republican National Convention, Twitter logged a little over 4 million related tweets. The DNC has already seen 5.5 million in its first two nights.

If you missed the speech, here it is in its entirety. Settle in, it’s a long one: