
These Are The Weapons Of Borderlands 2

The first Borderlands taught us that the planet of Pandora was very dangerous. Various weapons vendors capitalized on that danger by selling weapons. I would argue that said weapons were a little overpriced, but they sure were awesome.

The trend of weapons venders peddling tools of destruction to the citizens of Pandora continues in Borderlands 2. Gearbox Software has released a few videos during Gamescom that show off the weapons that you will be using during your fight against Handsome Jack.

First up is Maliwan, a weapons manufacturer that claims to be the paint to the art of combat. They deal in elemental weapons that burn, electrocute and poison enemies. Here’s the rundown:

Next up is Tediore, the self-proclaimed “everyman’s weapons.” The guns featured here are fast and self-reloading for those who lack thumbs. They are also apparently the best guns for those on a budget as anybody can afford them.

The final manufacturer is the Vladof Corporation. Of course, they channel the Soviet revolution and aim to arm said revolution. What revolution is there to be had on Pandora though? It’s already a desolate wasteland void of law. They might be preparing for another revolution at the hand of Claptrap.

It’s hard to believe that these are the only weapons manufacturers on Pandora, but they’ll have to do for now. The first Borderlands promised millions of gun varieties so we’ll see if these suppliers are up to the task once again.