
Banderas Griffith Rumors Spread After His Fling, Her Rehab

Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith have been together quite a long time in Hollywood years–15, to be exact–and despite their loving facade, some say their marriage is falling apart.

After Banderas was caught on film kissing a woman in a Cancun nightclub–and then leaving with her–and Melanie’s continued struggle with drug use, the family seems divided. Rumors are swirling that Banderas is attempting to squash all the talk about divorce and make things right with his wife. After Melanie was seen out and about and missing her wedding band, speculation was amplified.

“Melanie’s a mess,” a friend told Perez Hilton. “Not only is she in jeopardy of losing the love of her life, but her career is in the toilet while Antonio’s star is continuing to rise. I think Melanie’s self esteem hit an all time low and she believed Antonio was torturing her. For years, it’s as if she’s been consumed with jealousy over his flirting and outspoken love for beautiful women. I don’t think Melanie can live with the constant fear that he might cheat.”

That “constant fear” might have something to do with rumors that he was seen with at least one other woman a few years ago while in Mexico to promote his film “Shrek The Third”, and some are wondering if it’s also the cause of her latest stints in rehab.

Banderas and Griffith put up a unified front when talking to the media about her drug problem, however, saying the struggle had only made them stronger.

“We love each other, and above all we love our family. We’ve figured out how to get past obstacles … and if you get past those, you only get stronger,” Banderas said.