
Facebook Continues To Make It Easier To Share Music

Ever since Facebook unveiled their partnership with Spotify (and other Open Graph music apps), the site has become a premier destination for both sharing your musical endeavors with buddies and discovering new artist based on your buddies’ posts.

Back in April, Facebook added a “Listen” button to artists’ Timelines that makes it much easier to browse through their playlists and hear what they have to offer. Clicking the “Listen” button opens up whatever music app that a user most commonly uses, which in most cases happens to be Spotify.

And now, Facebook is making it even easier to interact with artists and their songs with the addition of some new Timeline features.

Now appearing on some artists’ Timelines is a “Music” button, which is loated right next to the “Post” and “Photo/Video” options near the top of the Timeline content:

Facebook share music on pages

There, you can search the artist’s tracks on Spotify:

And even add a message about the song before you post it to the artist’s page:

You post will appear in a box on the right hand side of the Timeline that says “recent posts by others” and will also appear on the main Timeline if you select “posts by others” in the filtering options. Inside Facebook points out that this new feature is only available for artists that allow users to post on their Timelines, like Mumford & Sons. Radiohead, for instance, doesn’t allow such posts and therefore has no “Music” option on their Timeline.

Not only that, but selecting the “post by other” filter on the top of the Timeline now displays two boxes that detail other Open Graph interactions associated with the particular artist. One box details relevant videos from sources like VEVO, Metacafe, and MySpace. The other shows top news from sources like Yahoo!.

You may also remember that Facebook has been testing a “Share Music” button at the top of users’ News Feeds. With that button, users can share a song to their own Timelines (and their friends’ News Feeds) with Spotify and the like instead of having to post a link from YouTube. That feature continues to be seen by a small percentage of users.