
Expect The Walking Dead Episode 3 In August

Everybody loves The Walking Dead and its various licensed properties like tabletop and video games. Telltale Games has been doing exceptionally well with its episodic game series based on the TV series and fans are already getting into the nitty gritty of Episode 2. Of course, that opens the question to when fans can expect to see Episode 3.

Telltale Games took to the company blog yesterday to let everybody know that they are super thankful for the response Episode 2 has received thus far. The game is currently is sitting at an 85 on Metracritic which is unheard of for a licensed game based on a popular property. It’s good to see Telltale bucking the trend of awful licensed games that exist only to ride on a franchise.

Telltale says that Episode 3, which is titled Long Road Ahead, will be out in the middle of August. They say that they hope to get the game out simultaneously across all platforms, but that’s really up to their partners. That’s the reason why Episode 2 was delayed to a Friday on the PlayStation 3 instead of the usual Tuesday. Having the game come out on the same day across all platforms ensures that all players are on equal footing and that spoilers will be kept to a minimum.

If you have yet to dive into the world of The Walking Dead, now is as good of time as ever. The episodic series is available on Xbox 360, PS3, PC and Mac. Here’s the trailer for the newest episode which launched last week – Starved For Help.