
Baby Chimpanzee’s Are Preposterously Cute


I hope this isn’t bad timing with the recent news that a baby chimp was killed by an adult male chimp in their exhibit at the Los Angeles Zoo, but the reason people care so much about the event, is that baby chimpanzee’s are ridiculously cute. Insanely cute.

With all do respect to the tragedy that occurred yesterday, here are some chimpanzee babies that make us fall in love with chimpanzee babies.




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An interesting side note to this video – the family that took the picture of the baby and young chimpanzee got some media attention from local news stations and the like, trying to get an interview about the YouTube post. The mother’s response to FOX 10 in Phoenix is classic.

“Thank you but no, we are not seeking any publicity. This video was uploaded solely to share with family and friends. We had no idea it would get so? much attention. It turns out that when your video goes viral, the crazies come out; the whole experience has been disturbing and even a little frightening. We’re just an ordinary family dealing with an extraordinary situation and, frankly, we are so over it already.”

It was posted on June 11th and saw some moderate viral appeal with 335,000 views so far. I’d hate to see chat happens when a video gets millions of views and the family doesn’t want any publicity.

Lead image: yourcoolpics