
George Zimmerman: Judge Orders Bond Revoked

George Zimmerman, the Florida man who shot and killed 17-year old Trayvon Martin in February while he was walking home from the store, has just had his $150,000 bond revoked by the judge presiding over the case. The prosecutor, Bernardo de la Rionda, said that Zimmerman and his family lied about their finances at his bail hearing in April, saying they had limited funds, but new evidence points to the contrary. He must now surrender himself within 48 hours.

“It was misleading and I don’t know what other words to use except it was a blatant lie,” the lawyer said.

The shooting garnered national attention, with some people saying it was racially motivated (Zimmerman is of Hispanic descent, Martin of African-American) and an example of complete injustice. Zimmerman and Martin were allegedly engaged in a physical altercation after Zimmerman–a neighborhood watch captain–followed him down the street for “looking suspicious”. He then fatally shot the teen. Witnesses have come forward but details about the event are sketchy at best.

Zimmerman plead not guilty to charges of 2nd degree murder, saying it was self defense.