
True Blood Character Posters Get Us Ready For Season 5

We’re a little under a month before HBO begins season five of its fan-favorite vampire story that follows the adventures of one Sookie Stackhouse. I am, of course, talking about the return of True Blood, which stakes its way back into our hearts on June 10.

With the wait getting to its “almost over” point, it’s time for HBO to start the marketing push, which, as well as the teaser trailers that are showing up, includes some collectible material like character posters. Granted, digital images aren’t necessarily collectible, but if you print them out, poster-size, there’s a decent chance they’ll experience a growth in resale value, provided HBO doesn’t mind you selling their material.

On second thought, forget about selling them. Anyway, the character posters feature a red tint to them, and besides featuring the characters you know and love, there’s also one for Christopher Meloni, who’s making his debut on True Blood this series after leaving Law and Order: SVU. Meloni’s vampire character, Roman, is considered the Guardian and is apparently one of the oldest vampires in the True Blood universe.

As for the posters themselves, let’s just say I’m happy they made one for Jessica…





And now for some of the vampires. Did someone say “Jessica?” Yes, indeed:





There are few more available over at Television Blend, so be sure and check them out if you’re interested. All in all, there are 12 total posters, which should be enough to tide you over until the next trailer drops.