
Not on LinkedIn? Here’s How to Start. [Infographic]

It may sound trite, but if you want to be hired in 2012, you are going to need a LinkedIn profile. The website tops all other social networks when it comes to finding jobs, and adoption of the site is still growing. The site itself has made some recent improvements, releasing a well-designed iPad app and purchasing online slide presentation startup SlideShare.

If you don’t already have a LinkedIn profile, however, the prospect can be daunting. You could simply transfer the information on your resume to the site, but that alone isn’t likely to land you a job. As with any social network, the key with LinkedIn is to be social. Make contacts, and inquiries to build your social network of possible employers or co-workers. Show off your previous work and market yourself. Using the site is much the same as other social networks, but if you need some help with the details, the folks at mindflash have got you covered. They have prepared a cheat-sheet full of all the tips you need to make your LinkedIn profile effective:

LinkedIn Bootcamp: tips to get your profile in shape

(mindflash via Daily Infographic)