
Star Wars Art Perfect For Adult Nerds


Star Wars is pretty much in everyones heart and will be for a very long time thanks to George Lucas’ efforts at making it a part of our lives. The problem a lot of people have is: “How do i continue to show my love for Star Wars without seeming like a 15 year old who still collects comic books and lives at home?”

I introduce to you a solution, meet Marcus from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He has created fantastic Star Wars inspired art that you can purchase from ETSY either as a set or as an individual poster.

Every one of these great Star Wars posters brings one iconic image to life on a simple background. From the Millenium Falcon, to Darth Maul, every one of these posters can go any where in your house and still look classy! All of these prints can be purchased $40.00 for a set of 3 or $18.00 for an individual print.



Millenium Falcon








Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace


Star Wars Episode Two: Attack Of The Clones


Star Wars Episode Three: Revenge Of The Sith


Star Wars Episode Four: A New Hope


Star Wars Episode Five: The Empire Stikes Back


Star Wars Episode Six: Return Of The Jedi
