Kate Upton Cat Daddy Gifs Are Life-Affirming

The Kate Upton Cat Daddy dance is taking the Internet by storm, albeit with a delayed reaction. Upton’s provocative dance hit the web two days ago, and her momentum continues to build. Of course...
Kate Upton Cat Daddy Gifs Are Life-Affirming
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The Kate Upton Cat Daddy dance is taking the Internet by storm, albeit with a delayed reaction. Upton’s provocative dance hit the web two days ago, and her momentum continues to build. Of course, YouTube’s pulling of the video played a part in that. Granted, the video has been reinstated, but the damage, or at least the reignition of the buzz, had been done.

And that’s not a bad thing. With that in mind, neither are a bunch of gifs of Upton doing the Cat Daddy in slow motion.

Gratuitous? Yes. Objectification? Perhaps. Oh so good? Absolutely, especially if you’re a web-using guy. Hell, even the women seem to be down with it:

How bout we just call this a game and let Kate Upton dance at half court for the next hour?(image) 17 hours ago via TweetDeck ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

Kate Upton does the “cat daddy dance” in a bikini. Your welcome guys (vid) http://t.co/KVYhprDc(image) 22 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

Not all of them, however:

I think I might be the only person who feels uncomfortable and grossed out when watching Kate Upton do the cat daddy.(image) 51 minutes ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

Anyway, that’s not why you clicked the link for. This is why:




There’s a few more where those came from, too.

As an added bonus, here’s a smaller gif of her doing the entire dance, because you know you want it. You might even need it:


Is there a better way to say “Happy Friday” to our male readers out there?

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