
Sex.com Now Fashions Itself As Pinboard For Porn

Has anyone visited sex.com recently? Unless you’re an 11-year-old first day on the internet kid or a retired guy with their first cable connection, probably not. If you’re looking to find porn, going to sex.com or porn.com is just one step below going to Google and searching “sex” or “porn.” It’s 2012 – let’s just say there are better ways.

Sex.com, which was the focus of one of the most famous domain name legal battles in the dotcom era, has apparently shifted gears. As of now, the site is now branded as your “virtual pinboard for porn.” Yes, the popularity of Pinterest and the rise of “pinning” as the “it” term of 2012 has led (surely) one of the most visited sites on the planet to adopt a pinboard format.

Here’s what sex.com says about their new site:

Sex.com lets you collect, organize and share all the free porn you find on the web! People use pinboards to bookmark and organize all their favorite porn videos & pictures. With just one click, you can pin porn from anywhere on the web and add it to your pinboards.

Best of all, you can also browse pinboards created by other people! Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new content, sites and pornstars from people who share your interests.

They go on to say that their goal is to connect porn lovers through shared tastes and interests. Per that goal, sex.com allows users to browse the most popular pins, the latest pins, as well as specific categories – just like Pinterest. However, categories like Art, Fitness, Photography, and Wedding have been replaced with Amateur, Fetish, Asian, and Threesome.

But seriously, sex.com now looks exactly like Pinterest. See for yourself:

Just like Pinterest, sex.com’s pinboards are marketed on discovery, sharing, and saving. With the boards, you won’t lose your favorite pics or clips, and you can find stuff that other with similar tastes recommend.

Of course, sex.com isn’t the first property to attempt to capitalize on the Pinterest craze. Snatchly says that it’s your online pornboard and well, looks a lot like Pinterest with boobs. There’s also the (duh-ly) named Pornterest which has even fashioned its logo to look exactly like the half-cursive Pinterest logo.

Like Pinterest, sex.com’s pinboard works on the same pin button principle. You install it as a browser extension and when you stumble upon the porn you want to share, just click “pin it” and you’ll be prompted to add a category, description, and choose a pin photo.

Just make sure you are careful of which pin board you’re pinning your porn.

[Via TechCrunch]