
SEALReady App Lets You Test Your Meddle

This image is courtesy of the United States Navy SEALs

Have you ever wanted to see if you could make the grade and join the world famous Navy SEALS? Well now there is an app for that. A former Navy diver named Marty Costello came up with the idea to write an app for the iPhone that features a simulated published physical screening regimen that is used by the Navy for candidates for SEALs, Divers, EOD, Surface Warfare Combatant Crew and Air Rescue Swimmers.

“I challenged the iPhone program APP writers and coders to figure out where the sensors indicated a proper military push-up and they nailed it.” Said Costello, “we did the same for the sit-ups and pull-ups in the same manner but each a little differently.”

The program that his company developed includes a formula that runs in the background recording the person’s performance and a scored report is completed at the end of the run to be emailed for tracking.

“Two of the coolest features includes a female voice-over guiding you through the times, rest periods, distances remaining and all the while you can jam to your motivational music.”

The developer wants to remind you that this is only an app and is in now way a substitute for the real thing. The real training and tests has more strenuous adverse things involved including competition.

The app is currently in the App store on the iPhone and costs $4.99. It’s a little pricey for what it does, but they do feel the money is worth the experience.