
Facebook Studio Launches the Facebook Demo Tool

Facebook Studio, a Facebook website where brands and marketing agencies can hone their marketing on Facebook, this week released a new tool to help marketers visualize their campaigns on Facebook. The Facebook demo tool will allow marketers to preview how their “Premium on Facebook” ad placements will fit into the Facebook template. This includes seeing exactly what a user will see, whether it is a sidebar ad placement or marketing content for newsfeeds, including mobile app newsfeeds.

The announcement came on the Facebook Studio blog, where Facebook gave a quick overview of what they say is only the first version new tool:

The demo tool lets you experience the visual impact of Premium on Facebook first-hand, rather than just imagining how your ads and sponsored stories would appear to fans and friends of fans. Please keep in mind that currently, the demo tool provides a visual overview of Premium on Facebook, but does not comprehensively describe all Premium ad scenarios.

The Facebook demo tool is a Facebook app that simulates the view of a Facebook page with a WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) interface. Users can upload profile and cover photos, add friends, and post content, including photos and status updates. None of the actions users take in the app will actually be published to Facebook. It’s a sandbox environment for experimentation and skill-building. Pages built using the tool can then be previewed as an ad or a sponsored story. The blog post recommends that users of the tool become familiar with the best practices and suggestions Facebook has provided to ensure proper utilization of the new Facebook layout.

I’m thinking the demo tool would be the perfect way for a member of the new Preferred Marketing Developer Program to show off their skills. What do you think? Will the Facebook demo tool help you with your next Facebook campaign? Are there any missing features you would want to see implemented in the next version of the tool? Leave a comment below and let us know.

(picture courtesy the Facebook Studio blog)