
President Obama Joins Pinterest, Wants All Your Themed Cake Recipes

President Obama is having a busy week. Between the campaign season becoming more and more intense with every passing day and the Supreme Court looking into his health care law, the Commander in Chief probably didn’t have time to open up his own Pinterest account. But his campaign team sure did.

In their quest to move into every nook and cranny of the social media world, the Obama 2012 team has officially started pinning on Pinterest. In true cross-platform promotional fashion, the team announced this via Twitter and Facebook:

Organizers, infographics, murals, and cake—now pinning all of the above for #Obama2012 on Pinterest: http://t.co/RaX3AdwP 20 hours ago via web ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

So far, in under 24 hours, Obama has 44 pins spread across 8 pinboards. Some of those boards include Obamas-inspired recipes, pictures of Obama-loving pets in “Pet Lovers for Obama,” photos of the First Family, and art inspired by Obama in the “ObamArt” board. He has already amassed over 4,500 followers.

When I mentioned that the Obama 2012 team wants to leave no social media stone unturned, I meant it. Obama has always had a huge presence on both Twitter and Facebook, but in the past few month he has really been expanding that presence to other social platforms. In the last six months, Obama has checked-in to Foursquare, started blogging away on Tumblr, went a little hipster by joining Instagram, joined Google+ and almost immediately hosted a Hangout, made his campaign playlist available on Spotify, and switched his Facebook profile over to the new Timeline.

The Obama team asks that you tag your pins with #Obama2012 if you have something you think they should repin.