
Yahoo Meme Going Offline on May 25th

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Yahoo Inc. has announced today that it will take Yahoo Meme offline on May 25th, due do a lack of familiarity and user adoption.

Yahoo Meme, a Twitter-like service, was launched in 2009 in a Portuguese-language version, and its English-language version followed later in the year. Meme never took off, likely due to its similarity to the already-established Facebook and Twitter. In today’s announcement, Yahoo states that it wants to focus on “content and tools that matter most to people – our core strengths and new innovations.”

Meme will stop accepting new users, posts, comments, etc. on April 25th. From this point, subscribers can access their accounts until May 25th, the day the site will be shut down, and all URLs will become unreachable. Users can also render their posts into a downloadable file, until the site is taken offline.

Yahoo had announced that it was pulling the plug on the Meme app for iOS in January.