
Pinterest Picks Up Facebook’s Monetization Man

Forbes Magazine revealed yesterday that the man who was once head of monetization efforts for Facebook is now doing the same thing for Pinterest. Tim Kendall was with Facebook from 2006-2010 as director of monetization.

Facebook’s David Fischer, VP of advertising and global operations, once said of Kendall:

“Over more than four years at Facebook, Tim has had an incredible impact on the company, and in particular on the development of the ads business. Starting back in 2006, Tim wrote the blueprint for our monetization strategy.

Tim recognized early on not only that advertising could be social, but that it should be social on Facebook. What began as “sponsored stories,” social advertising has transformed the marketing business.”

That kind of “paradigm shift” thinking has served Facebook well. Now, after turning down offers from Zynga and Twitter, Kendall is joining up with Pinterest.

Here is a clip of Kendall in 2009, talking about Facebook’s prospects for the then-future of Facebook. Listen for when he says, “We obviously think that we’re a major player within the social media world.”

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