
Man Flies on Bird Wings Using a Wii Remote and HTC Phone

On Monday a Dutch man named Jarno Smeets uploaded a video to YouTube of what he purports to be himself flying using homemade bird wings:

Looks fake, doesn’t it? Well, Smeets has an entire website full of detail on how he created the wings. He began posting in August of last year, researching and questioning experts on how it could be done. Within a month he posted pictures and video of himself in a new workspace, designing and building his “human bird wings.”

The project continued to be chronicled, including this demonstration of how he was using a Wii Remote and HTC WildfireS in conjunction with the aparatus:

Then there is the, rather believable, “test flight” posted two months ago:

Quoting from Smeets on the about page at his site, “Right here, on this blog I share everything about my crazy plan to build my own wings. My goal? To fly with it! Something Leonardo DaVinci, my grandfather and I dreamed of for a long time. But this summer I decided to really start building it. This blog is the result of my experiences of the project. You’ll find video’s, pictures and text on the progress, my inspiration and all your comments and support.”

Personally, I don’t believe a word of it. But it’s almost too elaborate to be a hoax, isn’t it? I can’t decide, but even if it were true I wouldn’t trust my life to a Wii Remote. Let me know what you think in the comments.

(Via ubergizmo)