
Guild Wars 2 Gets Impressive Collector’s Edition

Are you looking forward to Guild Wars 2? If so, you might want to check out this collector’s edition.

Guild Wars 2 won’t be launching for another few months, but fans can pre-order the game to secure a copy. If you’re feeling extra generous, you can lay down $150 for one of the coolest collector’s editions I’ve seen in a long time.

What does your hard earned $150 get you? Well, it comes with a 10-inch Rytlock figurine, 112 page Making of Guild Wars 2 book, the Guild Wars 2 soundtrack, art portfolio with five art prints, and a custom art frame to store said art prints.

The goods don’t stop there though as players will also gain access to in-game items as well. Players will gain access to the summon mistfire wolf elite skill, a miniature Rytlock, the Chalice of Glory, the Tome of Influence and a Golem Banker.

Pre-orders for the collector’s edition open on April 10. Better get your credit cards and bank accounts ready for the date.

Discuss the collector’s edition and more about the game at our Guild Wars 2 forum.