
FBI And Congress Get Ready For Cyberattacks

Robert S. Mueller III, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation warned Congress yesterday that they better be on the offensive. He believes that a cyberattack on the United States has become an eminent threat.

Mueller testified to this fact in a written document to a House appropriations subcommittee:

“Terrorists have shown interest in pursuing hacking skills,”

“And they may seek to train their own recruits or hire outsiders, with an eye toward pursuing cyberattacks. These adaptations of the terrorist threat make the F.B.I.’s counterterrorism mission that much more difficult and challenging.”

“We tend to focus on protecting our databases, protecting our infrastructure, which is absolutely an appropriate focus,”

“But we should not forget that you want to identify these individuals who are responsible for these crimes, investigate them, prosecute them and put them in jail for a substantial period of time.”

We have been reporting on numerous cyber attacks taking place in the name of ‘Anonymous’. Anonymous revealed the weakness of FBI and overall government security when they hacked into conversations taking place between New York branch officials and law enforcement in London. They asserted their point by publicly posting the phone conversation.

Take a listen to what Anonymous overheard about the prosecution of hackers by FBI officials:

No word has yet been given by Congress on what actions they will take to defend against an attack on the United States by hackers, but I think they are waking up to the reality that they are unprepared at this point. ‘Anonymous’ is making a statement with these attacks and it hasn’t fallen entirely on deaf ears.

The security measures we take to safeguard our private information in government and big business appears to be a joke, action needs to be taken. Perhaps we should be employing anonymous hackers to teach our professional how to secure our protected information, as the current professionals seem to have a primitive understanding of the logistics. We depend too heavily on computer infrastructure to function in society, if these systems are not sound, we need to address that issue immediately.