
Google Science Fair to Reward Winners Handsomely

Winners of the Google Science Fair, the world’s largest online science competition, will be handsomely rewarded for their efforts: prizes include “once-in-a-lifetime experiences like a scientific trip to the Galapagos Islands with National Geographic Expeditions, unique scholarships, and real-life work opportunities in iconic science centers of excellence like CERN in Switzerland.”

CERN is located in Geneva and is “an organization for research trying to answer the most fundamental questions that humanity ever asked themselves, Where do we come from? Where are we going? What is the future of the universe?” It is an elite science research center that employs the brightest minds in the world. The overarching goals of these geniuses is to work together to identify frontiers of knowledge and pinpoint the origins of the universe.

Fifteen finalists will fly to Mountain View California for a chance to become a finalist winner in their age category (13-14, 15-16, and 17-18) and move on to compete for the Grand Prize. The grand prize is a National Graphic Expedition for the winner and one guardian to the Galapagos Archipelago where they will visit Darwin’s Living Laboratory. Darwin’s Living Laboratory is an amazing zoo, aquarium, and underwater adventure all wrapped into one that allows guests to have close encounters with unique species like domed giant tortoises.


The grand prize winner will receive a $50,000 scholarship from Google, a personal LEGO mosaic and Goodie Bag, digital access to Scientific American archives for their school, and the opportunity to gain hands-on experience working for CERN, LEGO, or Google.

Finalists will receive a $25,000 scholarship from Google, a LEGO mosaic and Goodie Bag, 1 Chromebook classroom kit, and second and third choice by random selection of one of the remaining experiences at LEGO, CERN, or Google.

The deadline for submissions to Google’s Science Fair is April 1st.