
Andrew Breitbart Conspiracy Theories Starting


In a posting on lsnewsgroup.com, Lawrence Sinclair spoke about Andrew Breitbart and the professional relationship that the two of them shared. The story consisted of some confusing questions about whether or not Breitbart’s death was from “natural causes”. There is no other, more sinister, cause mentioned in the article itself. But, Sinclair then makes rather bewildering statement:

Andrew Breitbart was one of the inspirations behind our consolidation of our multiple domain names into what has become Sinclair-News-LSNewsGroup. With the announcement of Andrew’s passing overnight we could not help recalling our conversation just 3 weeks ago in Washington, DC. Andrew said on Feb 9, 2012 in Washington, DC “wait til they see what happens March first.”

What did happen March 1st? Breitbart died, of course. Why did he make this statement to Sinclair? Sinclair never says.

Comments on the article questioned this, as well.

OMG someone give me some context on the “march 1st” thing, and why he would possibly be a target for assassination.

He died for speaking the truth. And that is what killed him. He stepped over the line.

He had the goods on somebody very powerful and that somebody had him killed. Case closed.

Since that original posting, it has been appended with the following statement:

In light of the comments which have been posted on this article we want to make something perfectly clear. We are not and have not said nor do we believe the death of Andrew Breitbart is the result of anything other than a believed heart attack. We simply reported that different media outlets reporting the cause of death as being of “natural causes” before a cause of death has been determined is wrong and has created this sense of something more sinister. While we are certain Joel Pollak meant well with stating his opinion as to the cause of death (as did Andrews father-in-law) reporting “natural causes” as being “fact” before a cause had been official determined and entered on a death certificate is wrong for so many obvious reasons.

Paul Joseph Watson, on InfoWars.com, piled on by conflating Breitbart’s death with his plans to release some tapes from President Obama’s days at Harvard. Breitbart had said these tapes would show “why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008”

“In a stunning coincidence, it appears Andrew Breitbart suffered his untimely death just hours before he was set to release damning video footage that could have sunk Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.”

The tinfoil hat crowd even has theories about how Breitbart’s heart attack was “induced”.

‘The standard method of assassination to provide a certified autopsy report of “death by natural causes” is the little EM beam “shooter” using the Venus ECCM technique – i.e., warping of its wavefront – to destroy the body’s control of its heartbeat.’

Like Bill Clinton before him, quiet rumblings of murder plots are forming about President Obama.