The Horror Film Alphabet Is Awfully Handy

While it’s not exactly an infographic, Stephen Wildish has provided something similar, and it’s a pretty effective teaching tool, especially if you’re a fan of horror movies. The que...
The Horror Film Alphabet Is Awfully Handy
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While it’s not exactly an infographic, Stephen Wildish has provided something similar, and it’s a pretty effective teaching tool, especially if you’re a fan of horror movies. The question is, how many can you name? If you’re going by Wildish’s creation, you only have to know 26 of them, but a very specific 26.

I’m pretty sure on most of them, but there are a few that escape me. For instance, the representations for G, K, Q, U, and V leave me uncertain, but the rest aren’t too bad. See for yourself:


The use of Driller Killer for the letter D is a touch of genius, as far as I’m concerned.

How many can you get?

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