
Google Australia Introduces Student Ambassadors

Google Australia’s official blog introduced it’s newly appointed student ambassadors Tuesday, at the inaugural Google Student Ambassador Summit at it’s Sydney office. Google selected 52 students from 23 universities across Australia and New Zealand, who will learn about Google products and programs, and organize campus events at their respective schools.

Google states, “our ambassadors are a diverse bunch. Not only are they geographically scattered, but they have majors from computer science to anthropology, business and even zoology. What they all have in common is a passion for new technology, enthusiasm about Google, and deep involvement in their school communities.”

A couple of the new appointees profiled are Desiree Kelly, a full-time bachelor of IT student at Griffith University near Brisbane, and Sam Jarman, a computer science major at Canterbury University, in Christchurch, New Zealand. Desiree and Sam learned about Google Apps for Education, YouTube, Google Chrome, Google Maps, Google Places and Google+ during the the two-day summit.

The ambassadors will take many new ideas back to their campuses, and one of the new recruits put together a new ANZ Student Google Ambassador circle on Google+.

It has been recently reported that Google+ is making steady gains in it’s Australia audience, where Facebook usage has been down.